Earning Young Cultivator Merit Badges
Make It Easy
1. Do Your Eyes Light Up?
Beginner Level
- Working with your mentoring Sister or an adult, identify tools commonly used around the house and the yard.
- Learn what they’re used for.
- Choose a tool and, with adult guidance, put it work! Make sure to use it safely and properly.
Intermediate Level
- Help your mentoring Sister or an adult organize their tools in such a way that they will always know where they are. This will help you memorize their newly learned names. Plus, you’ll know where to find them when helping on a project.
Expert Level
- Using a nail and a hammer, pliers, and whatever other tools you need for the job, put your new-found knowledge to use. Create a luminary out of recycled materials such as tin cans, pop cans, or plastic bottles. You might create your unique luminary by pounding holes into the sides of a can, and then putting a candle inside. You could make the project more fun by making extras to give as gifts, and by thinking about creative designs for your luminary (like the person’s name or initials) that would make use of the tools you learned about.
January, 2010 Edition