MaryJane's Farmgirl Sisterhood

Earning Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badges

Garden Gate

13. Putting Away for Winter


  • Learn how to freeze three different types of fresh produce. Put away three different types of produce in your freezer for use later on. Share your knowledge on The Farmgirl Connection chatroom under Merit Badge Chit Chat.


  • Investigate different methods for drying produce. Dehydrate three different types of produce for use later on. Make a dish for your family using a combination of your dehydrated and frozen produce.


  • Investigate the different methods for canning food. Share this knowledge on The Farmgirl Connection chatroom under Merit Badge Chit Chat. Can or freeze, three different types of produce for use later on. Can one type of meat using a pressure canner or make jerky using a smoker or dehydrator. Make a dish using a combination of your canned, dehydrated, and frozen produce and share it with a family. Be sure to let them know how you used your home-preserved ingredients.

April, 2024 Edition